Well, there are lots of things that you can do before you begin actually spending money for the wedding (of course there are, only a fool would not know that). I have come up with a little list of 5 things that will get you off to a great start with planning your wedding! And here they are....
2. Envision Your Wedding - How big do you want your wedding to be? Are you going to have a theme? Are there any important aspects that must be apart of your wedding? Figure them out together with your partner. It is so very important to make sure that the two of you are on the same page and share the same vision for your wedding, if not then one of you will be very disappointed in the end and that would not be a very good start to the marriage.
3. Create A Budget - This is the part that most of us dread (I know that I did)! Your budget must be realistic. If you know that you can only afford a $5,000 wedding then that is what you must stick to and move on. There is no use in troubling yourself if you cannot afford something and trying to make it work. You don't want to begin your marriage in debt, that's a pretty stupid idea. Mark off what you are willing to spend for each area of your wedding budget. It's much easier to make your purchases suitable to your budget rather than picking sites and items and trying to shape your budget around them. Be content with your budget and don't let anyone make you budge if you don't want to.
4. Start Your Guest List - This is another thing that I did not enjoy doing but it had to be done! You most likely will be creating a few different drafts of your guest list so do not let the first draft drive you crazy. It's pretty simple if your only inviting a handful of people (50 max) but we have a pretty good amount on our list. You need an estimate so you know how big your venue needs to be and the amount of food and drinks needed. I have a pretty big family including both of my parent's sides but only a few friends so majority of my list is family. Everyone's list will be different but I want my wedding to be intimate so I am only inviting those that I really know and really want there.
5. Pick A Date - Don't worry, I'm not talking about a definite date at this point (we changed our date about 3 times before booking the date...lol). You do need to figure out a time frame for planning the wedding. If it's 2 months then you better get going quickly but if you want around a year or so then you can pace yourself.
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